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What Are The Interests of Teenagers?

The interests of teenagers or adolescents are the things that occupy their minds most of the time. Understanding the interests of teenagers is very important as these were discovered through thorough observations and studies by researchers and other specialists in related fields of study of human behaviors. An observation of teenagers both boys and girls of secondary school age reveals some of their interests. The boys appear to be fond of cars and girls while the girls appear to be fond of boys and clothes. Teenagers, however, have many more interests which remain basically the same over time. These interests do not only develop from cultures but mostly from the dynamic teenage organism that is struggling towards maturity, that is, adulthood. The reader can refer to these books: Narramore, Clyde M. (1946, 1978) Psychology of Counseling and Young Only Once intended for adolescents and those who counsel them, based on the major interests of young people.

Teenagers’ interests include Good Times, or Fun. Everything from group social activities to private hobbies and food – the get-togethers at the shops and the banquets at the church, sports and recreation, gab-fests, practical jokes – all these and many more add up to teenage pleasures. Having fun is taken seriously by teenagers and they spend much time planning, preparing for and enjoying such fun. This craving for fun by teenagers is universal. Everywhere, teenagers act in this way as if this might be their last chance before they settle down for the more serious business of adulthood when they get married, raise children, and make a living. Of course, in a sense, this constitutes their opportunity to have a good time and try out their wings without the weight of adult responsibilities.

People who work with teenagers ought not to resent this character trait. They should rather try to understand it and realize that it has deep significance for the teens. In addition to understanding, they should actually provide wholesome good times for the teens to satisfy this need for fun. That way, the teens will surely be reached for developing responsible behaviors.

Teenagers are also interested in friends. They need such friends to enjoy their fun and good times together. They talk over their problems with friends too and how they react to the world around them. It is necessary for them to talk, hence they needed such sympathetic and listening ears. Friends offer teenagers security so to speak and as they feel. They need such friends they can try their ideas and plans on and dream along with. Teenagers have new bodies, growing minds and intense emotions. They need other teenagers to help them know that they are not obscure but just like others. They needed this kind of own society now that they find themselves not fitting with either children or adults.

Teenagers are interested in their parents. This need not sound strange to any responsible parent. Whether they show it or not, teenagers are interested in their parents and their relationship with them. Teenagers appear to have two-sided attitudes towards their parents. They may see their parents as problems at home yet boast about them out there in the public space like at their schools. They need the security provided by their parents although they want to be independent as a matter of urgency. Parents need not fear for losing out on their teens during this developmental phase as their teens develop a more lasting bond with them despite their gaining some form of independence as a result of their age growth and development which necessarily take somewhat away from home. This developing independence of teens actually make for a more lasting and satisfying adult relationship later.

Teenagers are very, very interested in education and training in some trades as they have growing intellects and talents. At this time they need guidance by informed parents and counselors while at school to enable them make proper career choices based on their interests and observable talents and skills. In schools in developed countries, teenagers are subjected to aptitude tests and interviews intended to guide them through their choices of academic and vocational careers. This is because only a few teenagers fix their goals early in their development and stick to them. Most teenagers wait to see what other areas interest them much later in life. Some base their choices on their peculiar capacities and interests to enable them succeed with the least possible efforts, while others look up to the future to make choices that will impact their wellbeing. Nowadays, teenagers have to face the fact that needs are dynamic, depending on future trends and events. Counselors are of the opinion that the contemporary man looks forward to three vocations (indicating completing training three times) in other to keep up with job markets. Hence the teenager is interested in suitable education.

Popularity and Personality Development are among the outstanding interests of teenagers. The teenager carries over the copy-others behavior into this period of his development hence he watches for celebrities and stars that are popular and tries to pattern his life in line with those things that will make him popular. He will like to develop skills that tend toward the popular figures in the society. The teenager thus becomes unusually aware of self wondering about his outlook and type of person. The teenager thus trying to emerge is often immersed in self examination and projection among his peers.

Looks speaks to the “mirror” years of teenage years. The teenager is very fond of his appearance all the time. Not really that they always try to keep clean or neat, but rather in their emulating the styles and fads set by their peers. They carry this obsession to judge the appearance and looks of their teachers and parents often settling with one nick name or the other for any obscure outlook of such teachers and/or parents. Hair styles, shirts and trousers styles, belt types, car colors and other looks of the car or bicycles.

This seeming capricious interest in appearance has very deep roots. Their dream models have fizzled into reality when they face the mirror from time to time. It is no longer how they would like to look, it is now whether or not their looks satisfies their peers and observers, especially admirers.

Teenagers are interested in manners. They have undergone the process of character molding since childhood. Now is the time to evaluate their manners in light of public acceptability. The pretentious grumbling and rebellion does not remove his interest in proper etiquette, the right way to do things, how to meet people and introduce others, how to conduct himself on a date. His desire to make good impressions spurs him to want to learn the right ways of doing things to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb. A boisterous manner, giggling and clowning are apparent covers for uneasiness at not knowing the right thing to do. There is usually some improvement in manners outside the home unlike in the home setting.

Young people of poise and refinement usually come from homes or schools or other family settings where good manners, courtesy and thoughtfulness are practiced consistently. Adults must be ready to offer guidance in these areas of concern to the teenagers, that is, matters of propriety. No matter the reactions of teenagers to guidance with respect to proper ways of doing things, they are after all grateful for anyone who cares enough to teach them how to enter adult life more gracefully.

The explosive egotism of blooming adolescence which reveals teenagers preoccupation with self is an indication that teenagers need Communication. Although teenagers want to talk about themselves as well as their own interests, they must be guided to learn that communication is often a two-way issue and that friendships are based on such effective two-way communication. Communication is about knowing what to say and how to say it. Teenagers have this problem due to lack of experience and their chaotic stage of development. Parents, teachers and youth leaders are to lead teenagers in fruitful discussions to help teenagers begin and carry on conversations so as to form interesting conversationalist. This is a way of helping them build confidence and feel at ease in any given situation or setting as good communicators.

Dating is a dicey topic to discuss among teenagers of developing countries within some religious circles. Talking about romance among teenagers, to some parents, constitutes a blanket license to unbridled sexual encounters among teenagers of the opposite sex. Of course, this embraces Romance with the capital R, the boy-girl relationships which suddenly become so important. The big question revolving around whether to go steady or keep it casual. What are the approved dating conducts and behaviors. Teenagers are interested in all these aspects of the boy-girl relationships. The problems of unbridled boy-girl teenage activities are never-ending. It, however, takes wisdom and tact, not fear or anxiety on the part of parents and teachers to help teenagers for responsible boy-girl relationships. As the Apostle Paul would advice the youth: Treat young girls as your maternal sisters, and for the girls: treat young boys as your maternal brothers with absolute purity (1 Timothy 5:2).

Although teenagers are curious, intense, emotional; they are also interested in religious and spiritual issues, they are, thus seekers after truth. They involuntarily realize that they are spiritual beings in need of spiritual development. Parents with good knowledge of proper parenting ideas must have started the children off with respect to spiritual development long before they developed into teens or adolescents. They have encountered things that arouse their curiosity as to the existence of God the creator. Unconsciously too they crave for a knowledge of this unseen supreme being. Parents and religious teachers have the obligation to direct teenagers to God through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. They can be guided to study the Holy Bible, the word of God and depend on it. Young people of all religious parental backgrounds need spiritual guidance at this particular stage of their lives. This period is very crucial in their development. Any decision made by the teenager at this point determines what kind of personality he will assume, between responsibility and gross misconduct as a person. Satanic influence abound in life and have teenagers as prime targets, thus making it imperative for parents and teachers to redouble their efforts to counter Satan’s deceit with gospel truth.

Adults needed to keep these basic interests of teenagers in mind so as to learn not to resent such interests, but rather appreciate them, realizing that they are serving deep needs of adolescents. With this knowledge and attitude, adults can work effectively with young people, helping to shape the very lives of these precious teens. 



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